Necip Topuz was born in Karataş, Adana on October 1, 1980, as the first child of a family dealing with Farming and Fishing. In 2001, he won the Uludag University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. He studied abroad as part of the Erasmus program. After his education abroad, he graduated from Uludag University in 2006 as the top of the line.
He participated in many training programs abroad related to his profession, and in line with the training he received, he carried out various studies in order to obtain better breeds in livestock of the Karataş region. He has a great interest in sports activities that are connected to social and cultural values. It has a life philosophy of reading and producing books, open to opinions, and has a endeavor that is devoted to Karataş.
He was elected as the Mayor of Karataş District in the 2019 Local Administrations local elections and as the President of the ATGAB Union in July 2019.