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Karataş Mayor Necip Topuz was elected as the President of ATGAB

Karataş Mayor Necip Topuz was elected as the President of ATGAB

The Ordinary Congress of the Union for the year 2019 was held at the Adana Metropolitan Municipality Assembly Hall at 14.00 with the participation of the Union Assembly members. At the congress where the Chairman of the Council was the Mayor

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Eğitimde Bilişim Altyapısı Güçlendirildi

Eğitimde Bilişim Altyapısı Güçlendirildi

Karataş Belediyesi’nin desteğiyle Karataş Kaymakamlığı, İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ve ATGAB ile imzalanan protokolün ardından Karataş’ta robotik kodlama dersleri için 4 adet atölye sınıfı hazırlandı. ATGAB

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