Güncel Kumluk Nature Park to holiday like a fairy tale Kumluk Nature Park, which is located on a 300-decare natural wonder area in Karataş district, was rehabilitated by Karataş Municipality. In the first stage, 6 bungalow houses were built in the park and 3 caravans were placed next to it. While Excavations of the ancient city of Magarsus in Karataş begin again The excavations carried out under the direction of the museum in the ancient city of Magarsus in Karataş, the pearl of Adana, turned into a registered excavation. After a two-year break, our Union President Necip TOPUZ and the accompanying We were together with marbling artists from Adana at the International Rose Festival Within the scope of the “2022 International Rose Festival” held between 3-5 June 2022, artists of the ancient art of marbling from Adana were invited to Isparta. As Adana Tourism Association; We did not leave our marbling artists Meeting Visit to Adana Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Adana Tourism Development and Infrastructure Service Association (ATGAB) President Necip Topuz met with Adana Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Emre Duru during an introductory visit. Within the scope of the work of our Ministry of Culture Roman Senator Statue Awaits Its Visitors A 1.82 m tall bronze statue of a Roman senator, which a fisherman accidentally found outside the Karataş lighthouse in Adana’s Karataş district, was unearthed from a depth of 5 meters in 2016 by a team of Bodrum Museum archaeologists Adana can be an important alternative for winter tourism Adana can be an important alternative for winter tourism Adana Tourism Development and Infrastructure Service Association (ATGAB) President Necip Topuz congratulated Pozantı Mayor Mustafa Çay for his efforts on Elmalı Ski and Life Center Signing ceremony for the Feasibility Project for Canoe Tourism Within the scope of Çukurova Development Agency Feasibility Support Program, the project named “Feasibility Study for Infrastructure and Investments on the Ceyhan River for the Development of Canoe Tourism” prepared by Karataş Traditional Turkish Archery Ruz-I Kasım Koşusu Traditional Turkish Archery Ruz-ı Kasım Koşusu, which was held on 15-16-17 October 2021 at Karataş Kumluk Nature Park in Adana, was completed by Karataş Municipality, ATGAB, Adana Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports and Provincial Actual Twitter feed is not available at the moment. Award Ceremony of the 1st National Blue Crab Film Festival The award ceremony of the 1st National Blue Crab Film Festival organized by Karataş Municipality and ATGAB was held in Karataş district on 29 August 2021. Within the scope of the festival, which was held between 19-29 August and whose theme